Sunday, August 29, 2010

Japan to train Afghan police in Turkey

Nowadays, politic becomes a part of our life. Politic is important for us because the future of country is imposed on launch a campaign which is make by their government. Although some kind of politic news was made people felt stressed, many of news is interested and popular in the large group of people. The Politic is a kind of news that many people must read every day, it become very important. However, politic is the highest news which people read every day. Overall, I want to present you about politics news, this news was really impressive.

I had search about politic news on google website so that I found much news of it. However, I found one of news that I really interested. When I read this article, it is about "Japan's government sends officers to train Afghan police". Japan's government finds the way to support anti terrorism in Afghanistan, so Japan government sent the Japanese officers to teach and train the Afghan polices. Japan government is helping Afghanistan in security of Afghan people. Japanese officers will teach the Afghan police about how to check and suppress drugs.

In my opinion, I think this is the best way to relate with other countries because no one wants to lose their benefits. If we always give to others, we will always have something back in the same way such as if we give to other in a good way as a result they will give us back in a good way too. Despite the fact that it will spend more money and time, we will look good in other view. When we have some problem, we will have other to help. In Thailand, a Thai government must do in the same way that the Japanese government does. Whatever, I think this way was showing to other countries, how were we are kind and take care about them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Japan to Promote Solar Power for Households

I read an article on politic news. It is about Japanese government project to help the wold. Nowadays, many countries have campaign for decrease using about natural energy. Global Warming is a problem that every countries in the world must help to resolve. If no one help to resolve this problem, then everything will dissolve from the world not except us. Japan is one country that tries to create a new technology to decrease using natural energy like petrol, electricity, and gas.

In this article, it said "Japanese government promotes solar power for Japanese people". Japanese government supports an idea that use a solar power replace to use a electricity. Japanese government will use tax from Japanese people to support this idea. Japanese government thinks this way will save their country's profit about 1,100,000 YEN per one a year. The government hopes many houses are setting a solar power more than 70 percents until 2020. This project is for a long terms. They set a goal to decrease greenhouse gas for 70 to 80 percents for now.

In conclusion, I think this way that Japanese government do, it was a good idea. Because this idea such a good way as same as other way to protect our world. All of these things are decreased about destroy of Ozone atmosphere and also make a temperature get lower more than now. So this action Thai government should be doing it too. However, there is not just Thailand to do it, other countries too. Because if they do just in once country, it must be not help a lot. Although this way has a high investment, as a result the greatest thing will be reaction to our world.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Toyota's Japan hybrid sales top one million

Nowadays, business is become important in our life. When I read an article, I was interested about it. Then, I want to present you about this one. It is about Toyota's car news.

Toyota Motor said that the hybrid transport sales in Japan had got to the one million mark and worldwide. It had sold about 2.68 millions of the vehicles by the end of July. Toyota launched the Prius which is a new product and it was a first hybrid car that produced in 1997. Toyota explained about how to use of hybrid system on mini-vans, SUVs and rear-wheel-drive sedans. Nowadays, Toyota produces eleven hybrid car models that are sold in Japan and eight cars models on others countries. Hybrid are becomes popular, because of high gasoline prices and also increasing public knowledge of global warming. In last year, Toyota recalled 437,000 Prius and other hybrid cars to repair the error about problem on braking system; But according to the Japan Automobile Dealers Association, the sale of the Prius are still good in Japan.

In conclusion, Hybrid cars are become popular in the whole world. Japan is the first country that was produced the hybrid car. I always really like about their idea about the product because they try to make something new that protect the world and also save money. Nowadays, we had a lower of economic so that Japanese creative a new thing for help a lot of people. Eventually, if they always produce new kind of things like this, I was impressive of them.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wako's Ginza outlets to open all days

This is about one of the business town that I want to go there.When I found this article, I was satisfying. Nowadays; there are many kinds of business, but kind of fashion for women are become popular. Japan is one of a country that has many kind of fashion in Asia. So that makes Japan have many towns of fashion. Because the customers are need to shopping as a result the producer should respond them. There are many towns which are shopping malls and outlets mall.

In this news article, it was present about once area of outlet mall in Tokyo. This area of outlet was built in 1952; the identity of this area was memorable because there is a building that has a clock on the highest of building. So, this area of outlet called “Wako’s ginza outlets.” There are many kind of outlet in here, but almost of it have close on Sunday and some special day. Mostly of customer always shop on that day because of holiday. So, the head of manager announces they will open it every day for customer and also increasing a profit.

In my opinion, in Thailand, there are many outlets in the out of town because some companies want to give a customer some product without VAT that made it more expensive. And most of these are open in the holidays. So, I think this is a good way that the Japanese producer should follow to respond their customer. On the other hand, if there can open on the holiday the customer will increase such as have more customer in group of an officer or a business women, so it will help them about their income because the customer will be increase.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Japanese Whaling: science or sushi?

Nowadays, the hunting are increase in many countries. The most significant which is the effect of the hunting is make the animal become extinct. For example; A tiger are one of the animal becomes extinct. Most of people hunt it for make some decoration or kill and put it hair to make something. Second, a crocodile are animal that the hunters like to kill it because its skin are useful, it can be made bag for the women. On the other hand, aquatic animals are not except in the hunting. There are many of its have to be bait for human such as a shark for a Chinese food and also a whale that the animals are increase in hunting. As a result, amount of the animal will be decrease. So, I want to present you this article because it showed about whaling in Japan. I was interested and weird about this.

In this news article, WWF; the system that protects an animal, they said; now Japan has the hunters who are whaling. So, this is the cause that make many countries were worried. Japan announces in Ulsan about this problem, they hunt and kill some whale for a reason of protection. They did not do for other reasons. They want to protect them so they had to kill some whale to make a research for the development of help and protect whales, but in some article, they announce about this problem in negative way. For example, Japan kill the whale for eating in sushi. However, Japanese answer back and confirm to the reporter, that news was wrong.

Due to the hunter, the main people make this problem. So, they have to solve a problem in the true way because it must have many kinds of people who whaling not just a scientist. It was decrease the amount of it although the scientist thought this way was protecting the whale. This is a bad way for it so that I disagree with this action. In Thailand, there were as same as problem about animals, so a law must stronger than now. If the law can make people feel afraid and follow it; eventually, a problem will not appear in every countries.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Japanese policy mix needs strong shot of emissions trading

I read an article on environment news. It is about Japan’s environment that really interested about our world. Japan is a big country and also has many factories, so this is the effects that make Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. This is main cause of global warming. However, they know this is effect to their country and also the world. So, today they try to let down the Carbon dioxide.

In this news article, they said, Japan plan to decrease air pollution in their country. Moreover, they have to compete with Germany about decrease Carbon Dioxide in the air. This plan is long-term, now until 2020 Japan plan to decrease it for twenty-five percents. And in 2050, they plan to decrease it for eighty percents. So a goal of this race is help and also protects the world about global warming and it can be help to save the world so much.

In my opinion, this is a good way to protect and save Ozone atmosphere of the world. So, I like this way because it the easy way that can make people follow it. If in Thailand have something like this, it must be good for our country. Nowadays, in Thailand have many of pollution, so when we follow this way with have race with other country will decrease about problem of pollution.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Internet Umbrella Lets Users Browse in Any Weather

Nowadays, technologies become important in our life. In Japan, they have many kind of technology such as robot, computer game and car. Moreover, I found something that new kind of technology in Japan and I really want to present you about it. It is an umbrella but it is not just the umbrella to protect you from a rain. It is an “Internet Umbrella.”

In this news article, it is about on kind of technology in Japan. It is an Internet Umbrella. This umbrella can be able to play internet, so that mean it can use like a computer. It was create by students who study at Keio University. Name of internet umbrella is “Pileus”, this is Japanese means the head of a mushroom. Although the customer walk or running, it can play and see photo on it every time you want to. In the future, they will develop it. They want it can be use the camera and also share photos on the website.

In my opinion, I think it have two ways to thought about it. First, you will think this umbrella it is useful because it can use in many way. So I absolutely disagree with this opinion because for me it is needless for us. When you use it you will look only what on the umbrella, take photos and play internet, so it will make you have an accident easier than original umbrella. In conclusion, you must think as much as you can when you want to buy some product.